I have a partner! After weeks of not-so-patient waiting I have been introduced to George.  George is Greek and gracious and graceful and generous.  Not a flicker of annoyance crosses his face, as I get the funny kicky bit wrong for the twentieth time.  When I get it right we do a high 5.  This is also new for me.  George can dance, boy can he dance!


So George has many talents, he’s a chemist and he works at ‘the university’, (I mean imagine doing that in another language!), his English is perfect. He’s probably got a PHD at least to add to his many other charms, but for the purpose of our blog we will call him Gorgeous George, or GG for short.


We are now on to lessons on Saturday afternoon and Tuesday evening. The Tuesdays are for those who need ‘a little more help’.  A nice way of putting it.  GG and I made great strides on Tuesday – or I did – he made elegant flowing steps.  You have to have some sympathy for GG, his partner is old enough to be his mother and has no sense of rhythm, timing or, even worse, any memory of the steps.  But he carries on smiling.  Another thing about GG is he doesn’t just concentrate on repeating the steps, he talks about the ‘attitude’. Our dances, when perfected will be more than just elegant movement (his) across the floor, they will tell a story.  How exciting all this is!  But actually so hard as well. I am frustrated with my slow progress, I cannot imagine ever learning all the steps and I haven’t even begun to think about the freestyle. I ache and I’m tired. Running a college, no problem, co-ordinating my limbs, impossible.

Now this week I won’t be dancing on Saturday as it is my graduation day.  I am StrictlyJane MBA!  Watch out for the photo!  I am not at all daunted by missing a class, I now have GG and we will practise, practise, practise.  And one day I will get over the sad thought that my bottom is twice the size of his….  Oh for a sylph like figure.

Seriously though, I am writing this blog because I want all of my 3 readers (thank you children) to donate to Vale House – look at www.valehouse.org.uk.  Please give generously by going to my justgiving page www.justgiving.com/Jane-Dixon6.  I am struggling to learn to move, but none of this is a patch on watching someone you love become a stranger to you and themselves.

See you next week and – keep dancing!