The other day GG said to me, ‘What do you most like about dancing?’  I gave a sort of waffly answer about feeling good after exercise, because, all of a sudden and (let’s face it, quite unlike me) I didn’t know what to say.

 The fact is, I realised in that stomach churning moment, I like everything about it!  Ok so I am not good with the technique and my toes will not point outwards and I can’t do different things with different limbs, but I’ve started to love it.  I love the way the music makes me feel (well apart from the cha cha track).  I adore the tango music now I’m getting into the ‘disdain’ performance and that sort or Argentinian bit (still makes me blush).  Our freestyle music is exciting and I am going to do my absolute best to perform it as well as I can.  But what do I most like – I think it’s that when I’m dancing I can’t think about anything else at all, not about work, or what to get for dinner, or when the baby’s coming (daughter due very soon…..) I just think about the steps and try and feel the music.

 So, hark at me, all that moaning and now I love it!

 Here’s something to think about.  A few years ago I met up with an old schoolfriend, who I hadn’t seen for far too many years than I’m prepared to declare.  We recognised each other straight away.  We both brought photos from school.  It was a great afternoon, we reminded each other of people from the past.  She remembered things I’d completely forgotten and I could do the same for her.  (I remembered coveting her raincoat!)  It’s like she mentioned something and it opened a little drawer in my brain, which then opened another drawer and so on.  If you have dementia, there isn’t a drawer there to open.  Not only would I not have recognised my friend I wouldn’t remember my schooldays.  Someone told me once that music can calm people with dementia, maybe they remember the way the music made them feel, I don’t know, I think I might.  Whatever, I do know that the best place to be would be Vale House, so please, even though my journey is nearly done, spare a bit for this amazing charity!