Well it’s 2 days away. Sunday is on the horizon.  I could do with a few more weeks of rehearsal but there we go, there’s always more you can learn.

In my sleep I am counting, I wake up and stretch. I go down to the kitchen and do a few Cubans and a quick head turn or two, step-close-step around the cats, walk with straight legs into the bathroom…. 

The costumes are ready, every time I look down I seem to be in a sea of sequins. I am not sure they entirely meet GG’s requirements (he knows a lot about this stuff) but they will do and the fringes will be flicking around the stage.

I am a bag of nerves, not that I don’t know the steps, I do. But can I perform on the day? 

I’m taking Monday off. Not to recover, you understand, but to sulk.  I know after all this moaning and whining and nerves and fears I will miss it.  I’ll miss the practise, I’ll miss my fellow celebs and, of course, the amazing GG.  But all of this will be worth it if I can just raise a tiny bit more for Vale House.  Go on – just donate a little extra on my justgiving page….

Wish me luck, or rather wish dear GG luck! Oh and it’s not too late to come and watch – tickets still available, New Theatre Oxford – Sunday at 6.30.  See you there?